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Church of England Primary School

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Our School Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum (2014), with staff ensuring units of work and our extended offer reflect our curriculum intent, our vision and our school values.


All aspects of our curriculum are accessible to all children, irrespective of their ethnic background, gender, disability, religious or linguistic background. We provide a rich, challenging curriculum, which stretches all of our children but also meets the needs of those with special education needs or disabilities and those learning English as an additional language. 




The over-arching aim of our curriculum is “For every child to thrive and demonstrate resilience and for all pupils to make good or better progress in all areas”.


Our rationale states that we aim to teach the knowledge, skills and values that our children will need to be good global, national and local citizens.




Subject leaders are strong and support the teaching of their subjects across the school. The result of this has been good subject knowledge in each year group. Subject matter is clearly presented, and the thorough planning (and spiralling) of the curriculum means that content is remembered in the long term. Assessment is used wisely and data is analysed to ensure each cohort is making good progress from their starting points. Information from assessments is also used to inform teaching, ensuring any misconceptions or gaps in understanding are addressed quickly.


Work is appropriately demanding and our philosophy is to support children to keep up, rather than catch up. We work in a culture of high challenge / low threat with children enjoying excellent relationships with adults, meaning they are confident to ask for support when needed.




The Curriculum is the Progression Model. Deep Dives from the LA provide evidence that the children make good progress as a result of being taught a well structured and planned curriculum. Feedback from secondary schools is that our children are ready for the next stage of their learning. End of KS2 data demonstrates that our children have made good progress and achieve well. Evidence from monitoring supports this and also provides evidence that the children enjoy learning and are proud of their achievements.


If you have any questions surrounding our school curriculum, please direct them to 

Emily Hicks, Headteacher.

For information about specific curriculum areas, please use the links below:

Remote Learning


Nothing compares with a child being in school and learning alongside their peers and we work closely with families to promote excellent attendance. However, there may be rare occasions when Remote Learning provides a valuable alternative to learning in school, such as if there needs to be a whole school closure or in cases where medical needs mean a child is unable to attend school but is well enough to learn (e.g. after an operation).


The following options for Remote Learning will be considered according to the situation and needs of the individuals involved:

  • Learning tasks emailed home and/or uploaded to the school website
  • Specific online lessons produced by external providers (e.g. Oak Academy) recommended
  • Live access to the child's normal lessons in school provided via videolink
  • Live or recorded teaching for a group of children via videolink


Where there are individual medical or mental health needs, decisions regarding Remote Learning will be made in conjunction with parents/carers and the relevant health professionals.


Please note that Remote Learning is not provided for children who are absent from school due to a leisure activity (e.g. an unauthorised holiday) or who are unwell and are not attending school for this reason.


Subject Overview Documents:

We are in the process of updating these documents and moving them to the individual subject pages. Please look there if you would like to see our latest curriculum maps and objective overviews... and please bear with us as we get the last few finished.

Philosophy for Children

Religious Education
