Welcome to Year 4!
Teacher: Miss Price.
Teaching assistant: Mrs Bradley.
Key information:
P.E Days: Tuesdays and Fridays (Autumn 1). One of our sessions will be outside and the other will be inside this half term, so please make sure you have the appropriate PE kit for both lessons.
Reading records: Should be handed in every Monday regardless of whether you have finished your book or not. Reading books can be changed throughout the week by letting an adult know that you need a new one and we can find a convenient time for you to choose a new one.
Spellings: Weekly spellings will be sent home on Monday for you to practice at home. You will have a spelling test the following Monday.
Times Tables: As well as practicing Times tables in school, you should also be practicing them at home regularly. This can be done on Times Table Rock Stars, Hit the button, writing them out and reciting them orally.
Active Learn: As part of your Maths homework you will be set online games on Active Learn. If you have lost your login details let me know and I will reset them for you :)
What we are learning this half term:
This half term we are excited to be learning to play the flute with Berkshire Music Trust! In English, we will be looking at explanation texts, descriptive writing and our class novel will be Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve with a focus on adventure stories. To develop our art skills, we will be designing and making a Modroc Sculpture of a human figure in the style of Henry Moore, Alberto Glacometti or Dhruva Mistry. In R.E, we will be looking at the Islamic religion and identifying similarities and differences between Islam and other religions, particularly Christianity.