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Church of England Primary School

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“Always remember you matter, you're important and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can.”
― Charlie Mackesy, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse



PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) is the foundation for children to acquire the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to thrive as individuals and as members of society.


At Crowthorne C of E Primary School, the following key themes are woven into our RSE/PSHE curriculum, and are integral to our school values and ethos:

  • Equip children with the skills and attitudes to become informed, independent members of socienty, regardless of enthnicity, religion, cultural or social background.
  • To nurture a responsible attitude towards personal relationships including aspects of mutual respect and to develop sensitivity towards the needs of others
  • To teach the importance of maintaining emotional health, well-being and self-esteem and to encourage children’s belief in their own ability to achieve and succeed.
  • To provide knowledge and understanding of loving relationships
  • To inform children on matters of personal hygiene, how to have a healthy lifestyle that promotes a balanced and healthy diet and the importance of physical activity.
  • To provide knowledge of the human reproductive processes
  • To teach children how to stay safe on and off line and what to do it they have concerns or don’t feel safe.
  • Encourage pupils to appreciate the diversity and richness of other cultures.
  • To know about the role money plays in their own and others’ lives, including how to manage their money and about being a critical consumer.


At Crowthorne C of E Primary, we believe that PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and is integrated throughout our curriculum. Children receive weekly PSHE lessons which focus on key objectives and skills. We use the LifeWise scheme as a framework for our PSHE Curriculum from Reception to Year 6, however this is adapted and supplemented with other materials and resources in order to meet the needs of the children in each class. As a result of any issues that arise in a year group, teachers are encouraged to address this and plan lessons accordingly. Children take part in circle time and discuss topics and themes that are at their level.


Early Years and Foundation Stage

In Early Years, PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) is a prime area of learning therefore an integral aspect of daily planning, teaching and learning.

· Making relationships

· Self-confidence and self-awareness

· Managing feelings and behaviour


Our curriculum is also complimented by cross curricular links and the additional opportunities we provide for our pupils. A few of these are supported and lead by national charities and local organisations:


Assembly Themes

Good Citizen Awards

Class Trips

Children’s Mental Health Week

Anti-bullying/ Friendship Week

Internet Safety Day

Bike Ability

Language Day

Tray Days

Forest Activities

In2Sport PE Teaching

British Values Themed Days



Teachers assess children’s understanding of PSHE through observing their personal, social and emotional development in every day situations as well as through discussions and activities during lesson time. The subject is monitored through lesson drop-ins, mind maps created by pupils displaying what they have learnt and retained and pupil voice.


At Crowthorne C of E Primary School, we want the impact of our PSHE curriculum to be that:

  • The children in our school have the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their full potential and to be ready for life in secondary school and beyond.
  • To be confident individuals that have a sound knowledge about what caring and respectful relationships looks like online and off line. To know what to do if they feel unsafe.

Choose Respect - Anti Bullying Week 2024
