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Religious Education

Religious Education



At Crowthorne C of E Primary School, we aim for our pupils to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum and part of that is the teaching of Religious Education (RE). We highly believe that all children, from any faith or culture, should feel welcomed into our school and feel valued through learning and celebrating a variety of religions and worldviews. 

Our key aims are:

- Children gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and worldviews

- To engage children in informed and balanced conversations about religions and beliefs 

- To enable our children to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally to reflect on their own beliefs, being discerning about the many attitudes and opinions they will encounter

- To have opportunities to gain cultural capital within school and the local community



Our curriculum currently follows the Pan-Berkshire Locally Agreed Syllabus (2018-2023), following the Key Questions and Expected Outcomes for each Key Stage, and ensuring that in addition to studying Christianity each year, by the end of KS2, pupils have learned about Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism and Judaism. The new Syllabus (2025-2030) is currently being reviewed and will be implemented later this year.

Throughout the year we welcome visitors from local places of worship and our own school community to broaden our pupils knowledge and understanding of different religions as well as sharing their own experiences of faith.

As well as following the agreed syllabus, we also implement Understanding Christianity within our curriculum, planning in focused days and weeks of learning key Christian events such as Incarnation and Salvation.



Teachers assess children's knowledge and understanding within RE through informative feedback on learning tasks throughout the year as well as providing end of unit assessments to showcase their learning. RE is monitored through lesson observations and pupil voice to understand and establish its impact within our school community.
