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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Teacher: Miss Johnston

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Ottaway


Key Information:

PE Days: Monday and Thursday

Reading Records: Thursday

Spellings set and tested: Thursday

Other homework set and returned: Thursday


What we are learning this half term: 

This half term we are excited to learn about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole! We will be investigating who these amazing women were and how their actions changed history. We will be deisgning prototype hand-carts for them to transport soldiers to their hospitals to treat them. We will get into role and turn our classroom into a Crimean hospital to find out what it was truly like for soldiers and nurses in the War. In English we will be reading lots of non-fiction texts to find out more about them, and also sneaking in some cheeky Horrid Henry at the beginning of the term who will help inspire us to write some stories of our own. Ask Year 2 what they have learned this week...



Term Overview: 

 see attached below


Reading Spine: 

see attached below


Equipment List: 

Water bottles daily

A coat for wet / damp days

No toys are allowed in school

Please name ALL items of clothing

Fire Station Visit

Great Fire of London Discovery Day!


Home Learning:


Reading every day


Practise spellings set


Log on to play Times Tables Rock Stars


Log on to play some Abacus Maths games

Ongoing Home Learning Activities
