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A very warm welcome to Crowthorne CE Primary School.


I hope you will find that the information in our prospectus is both interesting and helpful to you.


At Crowthorne CE School, our first priority is to ensure that children feel happy, safe and valued in school. We aim to provide a high quality education through our broad and balanced curriculum, enabling each child to achieve their potential and to develop skills and interests in a wide range of subject areas. We strive to ensure each child develops confidence in their learning and aspires to achieve, ensuring that progress and success in all areas are celebrated.


We aim to develop the whole child, valuing the contributions made by all members of our school community. Opportunities are provided for children to contribute in many different ways to the life of the school and to take on responsibility. As an organisation, we are committed to being at the heart of the local community and to preparing children for their lives as global citizens of the future.


Our school vision and values are built around the context of Christian belief and practice; we provide opportunities for children to learn about the Christian faith and to explore their own beliefs and spirituality. We have a strong moral code and we actively promote a culture of respect and understanding. Children, families and members of staff of all faiths or none are very welcome at our school and all members of the school benefit from the diversity reflected in our community.


Many people who visit our school comment on how friendly and polite our children are and the positive atmosphere that prevails. We have successfully maintained the feel of a traditional village school whilst also ensuring we are providing a dynamic, forward-thinking learning environment. 


The staff, governors and pupils at Crowthorne are very proud of their school and I certainly feel very privileged to be their Headteacher. 


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Emily Hicks



Our Vision

Inspiring and enabling our school community to live life to the full,

promoting excellence and nurturing

compassion, honesty, trust, hope, respect, thankfulness and courage

John 10 v 10:

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”





Crowthorne Church of England Primary School was opened in 1875 to serve the children of the village.  The school can accommodate 210 primary aged children.


Crowthorne Church of England Primary School


Dukes Ride



RG45 6ND

Telephone:  01344 772089

Fax:  01344 750106



Headteacher:  Mrs E. Hicks

(BSc Hons, PGCE, PGDip Applied Leadership and Management)


Chair of Governors:  Mr. T. White







 (Key Stage 1)


 (Key Stage 2)

School starts

8.45 am

8.45 am

Morning playtime

10.15 – 10.30 am

10.15 – 10.30 am


12.00 – 1.00 pm

12.10 – 1.10 pm

School finishes

3.15 pm

3.15 pm


The morning bell rings at 8.45 am to enable the children to come into school and prepare for a prompt start. A total of 32.5 hours per week on a normal school week.










We aim to help the pupils to:

  • Develop the skills, knowledge and positive attitudes needed to become lifelong learners.
  • Try their best in all they do, by celebrating their individual talents and achievements.
  • Become confident and self-assured, taking responsibility for their own behaviours.
  • Undertake a wide range of experiences, offering the opportunity for challenge and success, in a caring, secure and happy environment.
  • Appreciate and respect the Christian beliefs and values inherent to our ethos.
  • Understand their rights and responsibilities whilst respecting the rights of others.




At Crowthorne Church of England Primary School we believe an effective learner is:

  • Happy, healthy and positive
  • Respectful and responsible
  • Inquisitive and able to learn in a variety of situations
  • Motivated
  • Able to persevere
  • An active learner, who is always prepared to ‘have a go’
  • Reflective (able to reflect on their own learning and


  • Secure, and able to take constructive feedback
  • Able to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Able to communicate effectively

We welcome and value everyone’s contributions and view parent parents and the local community as partners in education.




We appreciate how important it is for parents to be able to see the school and talk to staff before applying for a school place.  Please check our website for the latest details, or phone the school office.

We welcome visits to our school.  We also arrange a series of ‘Drop In’ sessions to help settle children into school.  These sessions take place during the term before a child is due to start school.




Places at schools in Bracknell Forest are allocated centrally by the Local Education Authority (LA) according to the Borough’s co-ordinated scheme for primary admissions.  If you wish to apply for a place for your child at this school, or any other school within Bracknell Forest, please contact the LA’s School Admissions Team:

Tel:  01344 354023


Parents are encouraged to apply to register their child with the LA within published timescales ensuring there is enough time to complete the application form sent to them.  These timescales are detailed in the Guide to Primary Education in Bracknell Forest (available from LA) and are also published in information that is made available to Early Years settings (eg pre-schools, nurseries etc) and the local press.


Since September 2011, all children who will be five between 1st September and 31 August are offered a full-time place starting in the September.


Parents can choose to defer their child’s start date until they reach statutory school age, this being the term following their fifth birthday.


Crowthorne Church of England School has 30 places for allocation each academic year.  If there are more applications than there are places available, the Borough’s published admissions criteria will be used to determine which pupils are offered places.  These criteria are reviewed each year and parents can find out which criteria apply to them by contacting the School Admissions Team and by reading the Guide to Primary Education in Bracknell Forest for the relevant admission year.


Parents seeking admission for a child aged between five and eleven years should apply to the local education authority on 01344 354023.




Foundation Stage:   Reception (4-5 years)

Key Stage 1:           Year 1 and Year 2 (5-7 years)

Key Stage 2:           Year 3, 4, 5 and Year 6 (7-11 years)


There is one class for the Foundation Stage children when they start school in September.  The Foundation Stage children follow the Foundation Stage curriculum designed for children aged 3 to 5.  Children in Key Stages 1 and 2 follow the National Curriculum.


Each class has its own classroom and usually remains with the same class teacher for the academic year.  Teaching Assistants are employed to support the teaching and supervise smaller group activities.  Whole class teaching is used effectively for much of our school day, but for some subjects children will work individually or in small groups.




Each class has a class teacher who is concerned with personal and social development of each child as well as their educational progress. All our classes have a teaching assistant who works with the class.  We value the role that they have in supporting the class teacher and our children.  We combine high expectations with a strong emphasis on the social, moral and emotional development of each child. Sometimes problems do crop up and we prefer to involve parents at an early stage rather than leaving it until later, and we always encourage parents to do the same.  A new baby at home or some upset can cause children to behave differently at school, just as worry over school work can sometimes cause problems at home.




We believe that uniform looks tidy, is practical, contributes to a feeling of belonging and helps to encourage a special pride in the children. Our uniform consists of:


Boys:   Grey school trousers or shorts

            White collared shirt (long or short sleeves)

            School tie

            Dark green V Neck pullover/sweatshirt

            Grey socks

            Black school shoes (not trainers)


Girls:    Grey school skirt/pinafore dress or tailored grey


            White collared blouse (long or short sleeves)

            School tie

            Dark green sweatshirt/sweat cardigan

            White socks (grey or green tights in winter)

            Grey or dark green tights

            Green and white dress in summer

            Black school shoes (not trainers)


PE:       White T-shirt

            Black shorts

            Black plimsolls/Trainers

            Sweatshirt top and jogging bottoms

            Hoodie with logo (optional)


Bags:   Bottle green reading folder and bottle green PE bags


All items of uniform can be purchased from Brenda’s Schoolwear Centre, 130 Frimley Road, Camberley

GU15 2QN  Tel: 01276 469697 




At Crowthorne Church of England School we believe the safety and security of our children is a priority. Once the children are in their classrooms at the start of the school day, the security gates are closed and the main entrance leading to the school office is the only way to enter the school.


We request that all visitors, including parent helpers, sign our Visitors Book and wear a visitor badge.


Fire drills are carried out at least once a term.  The main school building and classrooms outside are connected to the main alarm system.


Contact telephone numbers

We endeavour to have up-to-date contact telephone numbers (home and work) so that we can contact parents in an emergency.


Emergency Closures

It may be necessary to close the school when there are:

  • adverse weather conditions
  • not enough teachers have been able to travel to school to enable us to operate normally
  • the governors consider it hazardous for parents and children to travel to and from school
  • there is no heating / electricity / water
  • local difficulties e.g. forest fire, Broadmoor escape


If the school is closed, a message will be broadcast on the following radio stations:


2 TEN FM (97 and 102.9 FM) and BBC Radio Berkshire 95.2 and 104.4 FM)


Notices will also be placed on the school website and Bracknell Forest website and the school Twitter feed.


If closure is necessary during the school day, no child will be allowed to leave the school building without their parent or a designated adult.




We encourage our pupils to walk to and from school.  Once a year we take part in ‘Walk to School Week’.  We use this as an opportunity to talk to the children about how they travel to school and to consider alternative methods.  We have cycle stands by the dining hall and any bicycles and scooters must be left in the stand.


Children in Year 5 and Year 6 may cycle to school on their own, with parental permission.  All children must wear safety helmets when cycling to school.


We are not able to take responsibility for bicycles/scooters brought to school and children are advised to use strong bicycle locks.










At Crowthorne Church of England Primary School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which follows the National Curriculum guidance. We aim to develop an intellectually, socially and emotionally mature child, who has an enjoyment of learning.  There is continuous, formal pupil assessment to monitor progress and ensure that each child’s full potential is achieved.  This also enables any areas of special educational need to be identified early.  Parents are encouraged to assist and work in partnership with the staff and children at our school.


The Curriculum is planned under the National Curriculum subject headings:

Core subjects are English, Mathematics and Science.

The foundation subjects are Computing, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art, Relationships Education and Physical Education.   Religious Education, whilst not a foundation subject, is compulsory and is planned and provided for in the same way.  We also teach ‘Philosophy for Children’ P4C across the school.


Detailed objective overviews are available on our website.




The children have a daily English lesson. As English permeates through the whole curriculum, every opportunity is given to develop the children's literacy skills.




We aim to develop the children’s ability to speak with fluency, clarity and confidence to a variety of audiences and to listen attentively, showing understanding.




Through sharing a variety of texts, we aim to help children learn to read fluently, with understanding and enjoyment, developing the use of a variety of strategies. We promote every opportunity to share books both at home and school.




Our aim is that the children are able to write confidently in different ways for differing audiences. We work to develop their ability to write with enthusiasm and imagination. Handwriting and spelling are taught consistently, thus supporting the children in their writing.




We aim to encourage pupils to see Maths as an enjoyable and purposeful subject.  We give pupils access to a broad and balanced knowledge of maths, developing an understanding of mathematical concepts through practical work and tackling real life problems.  Maths is promoted as creative and satisfying, with pupils encouraged to investigate, question and think for themselves.




We seek to encourage a positive attitude to Science, making it relevant to everyday life for the children. They are encouraged to ask questions, predict, test, observe and accurately record the information. Where possible the programmes of study will relate to current work in other subjects, whilst some will be subject specific.




Our networked computer suite provides access to the Internet whilst laptops can be taken to classrooms and utilised across the curriculum. Wherever possible we encourage pupils to use a wide range of IT equipment e.g. digital camera, i-pads, etc. Children are encouraged to develop their IT skills in all aspects of the curriculum incorporating such themes as data processing and word processing.




Through technology the children have the opportunity to develop the ability to design, make and evaluate products of a high standard. They will work with a variety of materials to undertake activities covering a range of contexts within their experience of home, school and the community.




These are taught through a topic–based approach. Work begins with the child and moves on to encompass the school and its immediate surroundings. The children are encouraged to broaden their horizons by looking at both subjects in the wider world. We aim to develop in the children a sense of time and place through using source evidence and teaching the necessary skills to accomplish this.




We have a strong commitment to Music involving children in a variety of enjoyable musical experiences. Through performing and composing the children are encouraged to develop their self-confidence and social skills. We develop the ability to listen to and appraise a variety of music, encouraging an enjoyment for music.  We encourage our pupils to play musical instruments through tuition provided by Berkshire Maestros.  Our pupils participate enthusiastically in the local Carol Concerts, Crowthorne Carnival Musical Festival and Key Stage Productions which are always thoroughly enjoyed by families and friends.




We believe it is important for children to develop good visual and interpretative skills in Art, alongside learning basic skills and techniques for a wide variety of Art and Design activities. We aim to give the children a broad range of experiences developing their knowledge and understanding across a variety of cultures and to recognise how this can influence their work.




The children are encouraged to develop their full physical potential through the teaching of P.E. They will gain experience in athletic activities, dance, games, gymnastics and outdoor adventurous activities. We feel it is important the children develop a sense of enjoyment and a healthy attitude towards physical activity.  We welcome coaches from Bracknell Forest who regularly come in to school to support our P.E. programme.  The children regularly benefit from coaching in football, rugby, cricket and athletics.  Our Sports Premium Strategy can be viewed on our website.




Religious Education is taught in line with LA Agreed Syllabus for Bracknell Forest.  Religious Education should reflect that, in the main, the religious traditions in this country are Christian, while taking into account other principle religions.  As a Church of England School we aim to help pupils develop their own


religious beliefs, practices and insights, and enable them to develop an understanding and respect for other people’s beliefs.




The aims of the school, all policies, schemes of work and planned provision of elements of PSHE seek to promote the social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of the children.


Through PSHE we aim to:


  • Foster positive attitudes to learning, self-confidence, respect and a sense of fairness.
  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the similarities and differences between themselves and others.
  • Develop an understanding of and the reasons for rules, moral codes and procedures for dealing with given situations.
  • Foster a sense of social responsibility and consideration for others in preparation for future life.




This is approached within the topic of Relationships Education. We aim to:


  • Help children understand how positive caring environments enable the development of a good self-image.
  • Help children understand they are responsible for the care of their own bodies.
  • Provide knowledge about the process of reproduction and relationships.


Parents are invited to school to discuss the Sex Education Programme.  Parents have the right to withdraw their child from these lessons.




Throughout the year we plan a variety of ‘focus weeks’ where teachers will plan activities to extend the childrens’ learning and understanding in a particular area.  Recent focus weeks have included Science, Maths and Reading.  One of our most popular project weeks is our annual ‘Who Do We Think We Are?’ week which focuses on British Citizenship and Culture.  Activities have included a focus on Royal History and British Heroes.




Assessment is an on-going process at Crowthorne Church of England Primary School. Pupils are assessed on entry (Baseline Assessment) by their Class Teacher. The childrens’ work is assessed and their achievement informs each Class Teacher’s planning of the curriculum. The children undertake termly assessment in Years 1-6. In the Summer Term Years 2-6 undertake SATs. The SATs results for Year 6 are reported to the Government each year.  Pupils in Year 1 complete the ‘Phonics Screening Check’.  Their ability to use phonics is assessed and the results are reported to the Government.




In every school there are children who have additional needs at some point during their education. It is the duty of the Governors and the school under the 1981 Education Act to identify these children. We ensure the provision of a differentiated curriculum giving every pupil equality of opportunity within a broad and balanced curriculum.


Once a child has been identified as having special educational needs, resources are allocated according to their need. Children are      identified through formal assessments e.g. statutory assessments, reading tests and informal teacher assessments. Current provision for SEN children might include additional support from a Learning Support Assistant in the classroom, a specific programme of support, planned by the class teacher, and additional support from outside agencies where appropriate.


The progress of, and provision for, children with special educational needs is regularly monitored and reviewed.  Parents are consulted and involved in the support process. Where support from outside agencies is required, parents are fully involved. We have strong links with other professionals (Educational Psychologist, Education Welfare, School Health Nurses etc.) who support our work.


There may be times when the school is unable to resource a pupil’s needs. There is a specific procedure for the school to follow to seek extra support. Parents are fully informed and involved through this process.




We provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities for our pupils.  Some clubs are organised by teachers while others are provided by external agencies.  Within the last twelve months the clubs offered have included:


Cycling Skills                             Dance

Judo                                         Cookery

Football                                    Magic Maths

Gym                                         Tennis

Acrobatics                                Fencing




Each day we have an act of Collective Worship.  This may be offered as a whole school, in Key Stages or class groups.  Assemblies are broadly Christian and are led by school staff, Reverend Cornwell and other visitors.  We also celebrate Christian festivals by visiting St. John the Baptist Church in Crowthorne.  Should you wish to remove your child from any acts of worship you are asked to discuss this with the Headteacher.


We value the times that we spend together in assemblies.  A theme is followed for a period of time (usually half a term) giving the opportunity to extend the children’s thinking and understanding.  The children are encouraged to participate and lead assemblies.  Parents are invited to join us for Visit and Class-led assemblies which usually take place on Fridays.




Visits are planned to enhance and enrich the curriculum being linked to current topic work.  Recent trips have included visits to Henley Rowing Museum, Milestones Museum, visit to Gurdwara plus local visits ie Crowthorne library.  Our pupils always enjoy these trips and talk about how much they help them with their learning in subsequent lessons.  Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the visit. No child will be excluded from the visit if parents cannot or do not wish to make a contribution. The Governing Body however reserves the right to cancel the visit if insufficient voluntary contributions are received to cover the cost.




Pupils in Years 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to go on residential trips.  The Year 5 trip is designed to support the geography curriculum, as well as developing personal, social skills and independence.  The Year 6 trip extends the P.E. Curriculum, providing opportunities to participate in a wide range of outdoor and adventurous activities.  Traditionally, all Year 6 pupils take up the opportunity of going away with their peers and we are proud of this.


If children go on a residential visit, a charge is made to cover the costs of board and lodging. A request for voluntary contribution will be made to cover any other costs. The Governing Body will apply the statutory    minimum remission to any charges they make in respect of pupils whose parents are in receipt of Income Support, Income Based Job Seeker’s

Allowance, Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, or Child Tax Credit. Any further remission of charges will be at the absolute discretion of the Governing Body.




If parents have any worries about any aspect of the school, the first stage to solving the problem is an  informal discussion with the child’s class teacher.  If they wish, they can then make an appointment to see the Headteacher. 


If the issue is not resolved to their satisfaction then the matter can be referred to the Governing Body by writing to the Chair of Governors.  If the matter still remains unresolved the matter can be referred to Bracknell Forest Council Education Department.








Our aim is that the children learn to respect each other, all adults and the world we live in. We aim to promote good behaviour recognising that school is a place of learning, so all behaviour facilitates learning. Within our school community we adopt a positive approach to behaviour management. The children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour with the support of the adults in school.


We expect the children to behave appropriately at all times. The atmosphere in school must be calm and orderly for effective teaching and learning to take place.




Each term ten pupils from Year 6 are given the privilege and responsibility of being a Prefect.  They have specific roles and tasks which they take on; these include preparing the hall for assembly, assisting office staff with the distribution of messages and letters and monitoring corridors at lunchtime.


We also appoint eight House Captains to lead the School Houses (Buckingham, Balmoral, Sandringham and Windsor).  Every child in Key Stage Two is placed in a House and the Captains organise competitions and fun activities through the year. The children can gain House Points for good work, behaviour, special achievements. At the end of each term the House Shield is presented to the house gaining the highest number of points. Children in Key Stage 2 can also collect individual or class ‘smilies’. Rewards are given (e.g. extra playtime) for a given number of class ‘smilies’.


We reward positive behaviour.  We do, however, have sanctions for those children who are unable to comply with our behaviour expectations. We hope that a positive partnership developed between home and

school will help us support those children who are unable to fulfil our behaviour expectations.


In Key Stage 1 the children can gain ‘Season’ Team Points and class ‘smilies’. The children are awarded a certificate on completion of a page of stickers. Individual class teachers set class rewards for a given number of class ‘smilies’.




We value the contribution that the School Council makes to the life of Crowthorne.  The School Councillors meet regularly and have been involved in the recruitment of new staff, choosing the school charity, providing feedback on school events and curriculum changes and suggesting uniform changes to the Governing Body.  The School Council gives pupils an effective say in dealing with issues that concern them.  They have regular minuted meetings and then feed back to their peers in whole class sessions.




Parents’ Evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms.  A written report is sent home in the Summer Term.  Parents are invited to our popular ‘Tray Day’ in the Summer Term.  This is an opportunity for the children to spend time sharing their learning and achievements with their parents.




A hot school dinner is provided each day by Caterlink.  Menus are sent out to parents termly.  These are planned to provide a well-balanced healthy meal for the children.  Children may choose on a daily basis whether to have a school dinner or packed lunch.


The children are allowed to bring a healthy snack for playtime, (no crisps or sweets are allowed to be eaten at playtime.  Children are not allowed sweets or nuts in their packed lunch).  As a Healthy School we take every opportunity to teach the children about a healthy lifestyle so that they are equipped to make their own ‘healthy choices’.  We are also a ‘Nut Free’ school.





In-2-Care Breakfast and After School Club is available during term time to provide high quality supervision for all children.  It is situated in the dining room and provides a wide range of toys, equipment and activities for the children to enjoy before and after school.  In the summer, outdoor activities are provided in the school grounds.  The club is registered with OFSTED and is for Reception to Year 6.




We value the relationships we build with parents and view them as a partnership.  Parents are regularly welcomed into school as we endeavour to keep them fully informed on the education and progress of their children.  In addition to formal Parents’ Evenings, we also provide Welcome and Information Evenings at the start of each year, Tray Days (an informal opportunity to look through your child’s books) and Curriculum Information Evenings.




We are fortunate to have many volunteers (including parents and grandparents) who come in to school to help in a variety of ways:


  • hearing children read, educational games with small groups
  • educational visit
  • support with art activities
  • cycling proficiency training
  • working during a weekend or evening on maintenance projects
  • supporting with the curriculum


We appreciate the contributions our volunteers make in helping us to extend the curriculum and provide additional opportunities for our pupils.  We are always interested to hear from members of the community who feel they might have a skill to offer.  Our pupils have recently benefited from specialist teaching in maths, athletics and cross country.


During the current situation, the number of visitors on site is limited so we might ask regular volunteers not to attend until the guidance changes.




Our Local Education Authority (LA) is Bracknell Forest Borough Council, at the following address:


Education Department

Bracknell Forest Borough Council

Market Street, Bracknell RG12 1JD


Tel:  01344-352000
