We believe that uniform looks tidy, is practical, contributes to a feeling of belonging and helps to encourage a special pride in the children.
Our uniform consists of:
Boys: Grey school trousers or shorts
White collared shirt (long or short sleeves)
School tie
Dark green V Neck pullover/sweatshirt - Either branded with the school logo or Unbranded
Grey socks
Black school shoes (not trainers)
Girls: Grey school skirt/pinafore dress or tailored grey trousers
White collared blouse (long or short sleeves)
School tie
Dark green sweatshirt/sweat cardigan - Either branded with the school logo or Unbranded
White socks (grey or green tights in winter)
Grey or dark green tights
Green and white dress in summer
Black school shoes (not trainers)
PE: White T-shirt
Black shorts
Black plimsolls/Trainers
Sweatshirt top and jogging bottoms
Hoodie with logo (optional)
Bags (Optional): Bottle green reading folder and bottle green PE bags
All items of uniform can be purchased from:
Brenda’s Schoolwear Centre
130 Frimley Road, Camberley GU15 2QN
Tel: 01276 818 424
Alternatively, pre-loved uniform can be purchased from 'Friends of Crowthorne C of E' who hold regular sales throughout the school year, should you wish to contact them regarding uniform the email address is: