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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Crowthorne CE  has a named SENDCo and a named Governor responsible for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). They ensure that the SEND policy works within the guidelines and inclusion policies of the 2014 SEN Code of Practice (DfES 2014), the local authority and other policies current in the school.


A child or young person has special educational needs (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education and provision to be made for him or her. This may occur for the whole or part of their journey through school.


Our SENCo, Mrs Parker, has been in post as SENCo since 2006. Appointments can be made with Mrs Parker via the school office.



At Crowthorne, we have a 'lift the lid culture'. We strongly believe that every child, including those with special educational needs, should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential and are well-prepared for the next stage in their learning journey. 


At Crowthorne C of E School, we aim to:

  • Identify needs early.
  • Work in collaboration with parents to achieve the best outcomes for our children.
  • Be fully inclusive and meet the needs of every child in the most appropriate way.
  • Provide high quality teaching and learning experiences for pupils with SEND.
  • Work effectively with external agencies to provide the right support at the right time our pupils.



At Crowthorne CE Primary School, all Teachers and Support staff are Teachers of SEND. Pupils are well planned for and well supported and there is a balance between support and independent work. SEND pupils are taught alongside their peers in the classroom and sometimes split inputs are provided.


The vast majority of children with SEND work on their year group objectives with activities that are differentiated to meet their needs. Gaps from previous year group’s objectives are plugged through careful planning, interventions and Learning Pathway targets. For some children with more complex needs- who are unable to access their chronological year group objectives- Teachers plan a separate curriculum based on earlier year group objectives.


In class, children’s needs are met through 1:1 and small group interventions which are planned by the Class Teacher and delivered by the Teacher or TA. Needs are highlighted through rigorous, ongoing assessment which then informs intervention and planning. Support provided includes: Reading, Writing, Spelling, Handwriting, Phonics, Maths, SALT, OT, Emotional Literacy Support and Social Skills. Reports and advice from outside agencies are used to determine what support is required for individual children. 


We hold half termly SENCO Surgeries, in addition to parents evenings, where parents are given the opportunity to meet with the SENCo to discuss the progress of their child, both in terms of academia and their social and emotional development. These meetings provide an opportunity for home and school to work together to review individual targets and set new goals. 



Teachers assess pupils through observations and, where appropriate, more formal assessments. Outcomes for children with SEND are closely monitored by the SLT. Provision for children with SEND is monitored through lesson drop-ins, pupil voice and parent surveys.


At Crowthorne C of E School, we want the impact of our SEND provision to be that every child with SEND:

  • Reaches their full potential.
  • Develops a love of learning.
  • Is well-prepared for the next stage of their learning journey. 
  • Is equipped with the strategies they need to be successful life-long learners.
  • Is able to identify their strengths. 


‘Pupils with SEND generally achieve as well and sometimes better that pupils who do not have SEND. Pupils with additional needs are assessed in a timely way and high-quality teaching ensures these pupils keep up. Where there are more significant additional needs, appropriate (usually short term) interventions are put in place’.

(From February 2023-24 STEP report).



Useful Links to Support Parents


SEN Support:

Health and Care Plans

Preparing for Adulthood

Autism Explained Video Facts About Autism (World Autism Awareness Day)  

Family Services Directory for Bracknell Forest


For further information on SEND at Crowthorne CE please refer to our SEND offer.



Please find our SEND Policy below.

Please find further information below that might be helpful.

NHS Berkshire Health Care Information for Parents Autism and ADHD

For advice on how to support a child or young person that may have autism or ADHD:


For advice on changes (from 1st November 2024) to the referral process for Autism and ADHD, please visit the following website:


GEMs dates for courses are being released for 2025. These courses are designed to support parents of children with a diagnosis, or pending diagnosis of Autism and/or ADHD. Please click on the link below:



Latest Parenting Workshops (updated 12-11-24)
