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Year 1

Welcome to Year One!


Teacher: Mrs Mitchell

Teaching Assistant: Miss Hall


Key Information:

PE - Monday and Thursday

Spellings: Sent home Mondays for a test the following Monday (first list will be sent home Monday 23rd September)

Home Learning books: Updated on Wednesdays

Reading Practise Books: Sent home on Fridays

Library book changing: Thursdays


Links to Home Learning Websites:

Abacus Active Learn:

TT Rockstars/Numbots:


What we are learning this half term:


This term we are going to be learning about our school in the past and how it has changed over the years. We are looking forward to hearing about what Crowthorne C of E was like during different time periods. In Design and Technology we are excited to explore cooking and nutrition through making our own healthy salads! During this term we will be listening to and reading many stories such as 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes, 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey and 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne.


Year 1 Reading List

Our learning this week:

Comprehension Questions for Home Reading

High Frequency Words (HFW) Year 1

Dear Parents/Carers,


Please find an information video which has been put together on how you can support your child with learning to spell. These strategies can be used during as well as post Lockdown to inspire your child to learn their spellings and retain them.


I have also added a crib sheet of the strategies presented in the video as well as some additional strategies which aren't mentioned in the video.


Next week, the video will be moved to the Video Centre.


I hope you find it useful.

Spelling Strategies

Still image for this video