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Physical Education

"PE sets the foundations for lifelong physical activity at school age, wherever and however it takes place." Sue Wilkinson MBE, CEO



At Crowthorne C of E School, we believe it is important that children not only develop physically but also socially, emotionally and cognitively through a broad and balanced range of sports and activities. We prioritise PE lessons in all year groups, from Year R to Year 6, and also provide a range of extra-curricular and additional opportunities that promote physical activity and the development of a range of skills. 

Our key aims are: 

  • to encourage children to lead healthy, active lives and to have a positive attitude towards sporting activities
  • to enable children to experience a variety of sporting activities
  • to support children to develop a wide range of skills that benefit specific sports but also aid teamwork, communication and sportsmanship
  • to promote the concept that physical activity improves mental well-being as well as physical fitness





Our PE curriculum is based on the Get Set 4 PE scheme which ensures that skills are introduced and revisited progressively across terms and years. Children have lessons both indoors and outdoors covering areas such as dance, gymnastics, invasion games, striking and fielding games and athletics. There is a focus on the development of skills that can be applied to different sports and children are encouraged to evaluate their own performances and those of their peers. 


Within Early Years, physical development is divided into fine motor skills and gross motor skills with both being taught on a day-to-day basis through the provision available. Children are provided with a range of tasks, activities and equipment that support their development in these areas as well as having more structured PE lessons that teach specific skills. 


We are fortunate to have sports coaching from In2Sport who provide some of our PE teaching across the school with  other lessons taught by class teachers. Also, we benefit from sports coaching through the Bracknell Forest School Sports Partnership and other local organisations enabling us to offer a wider range of expert tuition. 


Our extra-curricular club offer includes a variety of clubs that promote physical activity (e.g. judo, football, cricket, fencing and dance) and we are always keen to take up opportunities to hold taster days when offered. Our children have the opportunity to take part in local competitions and tournaments, either organised through Bracknell Forest or with nearby schools. Children also take part in a variety of Outdoor and Adventurous activities whilst on residential in Year 6.



Teachers assess children's abilities in PE through observing them in lessons and then making teacher judgements at the end of units of learning. The subject is monitored through lesson drop-ins and pupil voice. 


At Crowthorne C of E School, we want the impact of our PE curriculum to be that:

  • children have experienced a wide range of sports and physical activities
  • children have developed a variety of skills that enable them to participate in sporting activities successfully and are ready to engage in the KS3 PE curriculum
  • children have a positive attitude to physical activity and understand the importance of looking after their bodies
  • children have had the opportunity to participate in competitive activities and develop the necessary skills to work as a team

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