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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Our teacher is Mrs Smith.

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Westmore (Mon, Tues & Fri).


  • Our PE days this term: Thursday /Friday
  • Reading records will be checked each Monday.
  • Abacus games are set each week.
  • Spellings are set each Tuesday to be tested the next week.



Happy New Year. 

Welcome back to the Spring term; here’s hoping that the lighter mornings and evenings come quickly.  This term in English we will be reading Pig-heart Boy by Malorie Blackman and Skellig by David Almond; we will also use some short film clips to inspire narrative and to write non-chronological reports.  In Maths, we will continue to practise and embed the skills required to be excellent mathematicians – using them to help us understand how to solve problems and explain how we have arrived at our answers.

Our History unit this term is Crime and Punishment through the ages, looking at how they have changed.  Science this term will move onto Light and Electricity.  We are looking at how charities support those in need during our RE topic about the world around us.  Our Music this term uses 1970s classics and their cover versions before we compose our own version of 'Twinkle, Twinkle'.  This term our PE units of dance and physical fitness (circuit training) are supplemented by our trip to PGL at Marchants Hill in March.  The children will experience a range of outdoor activities whilst staying away from home.  Our Art unit looks at how to incorporate perspective into our work, with our focus on how Claude Monet did this whilst using water colours.  French starts with looking at how to form regular verbs and then how to talk about our weekend activities.  In DT, the children will be trying to build a shelter that is waterproof and can support a given weight limit.  Our Computing unit covers using variables in games, and designing and debugging programs using  








PGL & SATS information

Year 6 Termly overview



Make sure you comment in your reading record.  I have added some ideas for you to write about below if you are struggling:

  • Think about new words you come across.
  • Make predictions about events.
  • Summarise what you have read.
  • Explain why you like a character.
  • How is what you are reading similar to something else you have read - make connections.
  • Find your favourite sentence and explain why.

Spellings: test date - Tuesday 11th February 2025

  • Abacus games are assigned each week. These are linked to the objectives we have covered.  Try to log in and complete each week.
  • I have set up a Read Theory log in for you.  This site has reading comprehensions that are adaptive to your reading levels.  They are short pieces to read, with multiple choice questions to answer after.
  • Try using 'Hit the Button' to practise your times tables.

Abacus: Get the Yeti

Reading for Year 6

Spelling Strategies Crib Sheet



