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Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.

Our teacher is Mrs Smith.

Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Westmore

and Mrs Shilley.



The sun is shining so it must be the Summer term.  During our English lessons, we will be reading and writing using the stimuli of 'Carrie's War' by Nina Bawden, 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner and 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell.  Our Maths will involve us applying all our maths skills to solve a variety of problems.  History this term will be based around the events leading up to the Second World War and what happened to the United Kingdom during this time.  In Geography, we will be looking at the continent of North America and how the countries vary to Great Britain.  We will be looking for inspiration through our RE unit on inspiring people and how their faith has inspired them. With the weather hopefully remaining warm, our PE lessons will mainly be outside, with an outside coach coming in to train us in cricket, practicing, and preparing our athletic skills ready for our final sports day.
There are many activities booked in for the final term, particularly once we have completed our week of statutory assessments.  


  • 15th July: walk to the Flower festival @St John's
  • 16th July: class swap day - bring your PE kit
  • 19th July: Music Day - dress as a music artist ready for our Silent Disco and Pizza lunch
  • 23rd July: Leavers' Assembly @9am.  School day ends early - check newsletter for timings.










Make sure you comment in your reading record.  I have added some ideas for you to write about below if you are struggling:

  • Think about new words you come across.
  • Make predictions about events.
  • Summarise what you have read.
  • Explain why you like a character.
  • How is what you are reading similar to something else you have read - make connections.
  • Find your favourite sentence and explain why.

Summer term overview

Reading for Year 6

Spelling Strategies Crib Sheet




  • Abacus games are assigned each week. These are linked to the objectives we have covered.  Try to log in and complete each week.
  • Times table Rockstars can also still be accessed so you can continue to practise your tables.
  • I have set up a Read Theory log in for you.  This site has reading comprehensions that are adaptive to your reading levels.  They are short pieces to read, with multiple choice questions to answer after.